Thursday, January 10, 2013

The New Year

So many resolutions for this next year.

  • Be more myself even if it scares the shit out of me.
  • Blog more, even if it's just me and Mindy looking back. I would rather have an online journal than try and write it all on paper.
  •  Spend more time making this little girl smile cuz she makes my life complete..... even if sometimes that means answering questions she already knows the answers to (or thinks she knows the answers to).

  • Dream bigger!!!
  • Be more productive; sometimes I get stuck in a rut and I can't remember how to push my start button again. I will try very hard to put down the bon bon's and turn off the TV so that I can make dinner more often.
  • Eat better and exercise more. I've already been trying to cut down on my portion sizes and eat more fruits and veggies. Exercise is one I HATE but Mindy got me Zumba for the Wii and I love Zumba so maybe that's the answer!?
  • Make new friends in different circles than I am used to because I need more people in my life who live like I do. 
The most important one of all
  •   Continue to wake up each morning knowing that I am extremely blessed and loved by the ones I choose to spend the rest of my days with.

I have many many more things that I could add to this list like "make more recipes off Pinterest", or  "finish all the craft projects I have started over the years".......BUT let's be realistic, those may never happen.

I look forward to making some things happen in 2013 but the most important thing to me this year is just remember who I am and what I stand for.

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