Thursday, January 17, 2013

Let's try this one more time

So I started a blog post last week........ it never got finished...... or published hmmm.

I have been having all these thoughts run through my mind the last week or so but for whatever reason they haven't made it here. I'm not sure what the hold up is or why I think I don't have time to blog. LAME! Sometimes I think; well this two sentence ramble wont do much good on my blog.....BUT really Louise, this is your blog, do what you want! It's more of a spot for me to ramble and spout off crazy things in my head more than anywhere else.

My hope for this blog is that it can be where I am more me than most anywhere else. I don't want to be blog famous, I just need a place to write it all out sometimes. I hope that I can find others who live a life like me and that I can connect to. I need a little more of that right now. Mindy is great about listening and talking things through with me but sometimes I would love to talk to some one who doesn't know me as well.

I hope that at some point it doesn't scare me to say who I really am or who is important to me. I want to scream it from the rooftops sometimes and other times I know it may do more harm than good. I want to be out in the open and tell people who say I live my life the wrong way "well that's nice for you, you can leave me alone now" but I'm not sure who that would be and that scares me.

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