Saturday, September 19, 2015


This thing is happening. Where a BUNCH of my facebook friends are pregnant at the same time. It’s been really cool to see all their posts announcing new family members and how excited everyone is. But then this other thing happens, they are pregnant, you know where as females who carry babies and nurture them for nine months, they gain weight. What?! You didn’t know that happens? It DOES! I’m not going to say that when I was pregnant I was happy the whole time and I loved feeling like my feet were three times the size they were supposed to be…BUT I also knew it was supposed to happen to my body and really it should.

I’ve been a little discouraged to see some of them complaining how huge they are and how they can’t believe they are already in maternity clothes. Maybe I’m just one of those people who takes my victories and shares them with the world and tries really really hard to keep my negative thoughts (especially when it includes the ones I love) out of public view, or maybe I’m just feeling holier than thou right now.

I feel like someone, maybe not necessarily me, but someone, should remind these women that not everyone gets to enjoy feet swelling and elastic waistband jeans. That for some women, one of life’s biggest goals is to be able to carry a child, but they won’t actually be able to live out that dream.

So you have a baby bump sooner than most women, DUDE you get to wear elastic waistband pants for longer with it actually being socially acceptable. So you are having your second child and your body just remembers what it was supposed to do and goes back into baby mode, you are going to have one 
superhuman strength child because your body already knows what it’s doing. Revel in the thought that you are creating a HUMAN!! Seek out those moments that realize you get to be a real live incubator and it’s freakin’ cool! And most of all, please remember that you are being given a gift. Yes, you will gain weight, yes, you will probably want to lose some after you give birth to that amazing little being, but for this moment, you are doing what you need to do, and your body is too. 

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