Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I think I can I think I can

Alright, I'm pretty sure I'm all caught up...for the moment!

I finally got completely caught up on the math class I transferred into after two weeks (what a nightmare!!) I also just got back my first exam in Macroeconomics....let's just say I'm glad after ten years I can pull a "C" rather well. Not necessarily the best job I could have done but I have to remember this is a process and I'm not going to be good at this whole school thing overnight. At times it will be HARD but I can do it!

Right now I am procrastinating a little homework, cuz a research paper about a research resource sounds oh so exciting, and macroeconomics is something you (or maybe I) don't just learn the first time I read a chapter. Add to that the fact that there are about twenty terms and concepts to learn in this chapter, I just get pretty overwhelmed.

There is one part of school that I love more than all the others, and it's silly but it makes me happy. I love getting to put together outfits. Before this last year I didn't really have a style unless you count jeans and t-shirt a style. But now I get to put things like this together and it makes me uber happy. Plus now I have an actual name for the thing I do with my bangs (thank you tumblr). I call it my femme queer pomp.

 BTDub: this.... totally happened last Monday.
I'm so glad I am getting this school thing down because right at this moment I'm doing something I KNOW I am good at. I'm making my first batch of tomato and zucchini soup for this season and the tomatoes and zucchini came right from our garden. Sometimes it seems like a pain to grow and tend to a garden but I get so excited when I can actually take vegetables and do something with them.

Now I just have to figure out how to interject some friend time into all this other stuff I finally think I have a grasp on.

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