Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I think I can I think I can

Alright, I'm pretty sure I'm all caught up...for the moment!

I finally got completely caught up on the math class I transferred into after two weeks (what a nightmare!!) I also just got back my first exam in Macroeconomics....let's just say I'm glad after ten years I can pull a "C" rather well. Not necessarily the best job I could have done but I have to remember this is a process and I'm not going to be good at this whole school thing overnight. At times it will be HARD but I can do it!

Right now I am procrastinating a little homework, cuz a research paper about a research resource sounds oh so exciting, and macroeconomics is something you (or maybe I) don't just learn the first time I read a chapter. Add to that the fact that there are about twenty terms and concepts to learn in this chapter, I just get pretty overwhelmed.

There is one part of school that I love more than all the others, and it's silly but it makes me happy. I love getting to put together outfits. Before this last year I didn't really have a style unless you count jeans and t-shirt a style. But now I get to put things like this together and it makes me uber happy. Plus now I have an actual name for the thing I do with my bangs (thank you tumblr). I call it my femme queer pomp.

 BTDub: this.... totally happened last Monday.
I'm so glad I am getting this school thing down because right at this moment I'm doing something I KNOW I am good at. I'm making my first batch of tomato and zucchini soup for this season and the tomatoes and zucchini came right from our garden. Sometimes it seems like a pain to grow and tend to a garden but I get so excited when I can actually take vegetables and do something with them.

Now I just have to figure out how to interject some friend time into all this other stuff I finally think I have a grasp on.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Is there a way to insert rolly eyes?

School, I thought I could handle it but a full course load plus being a mom and attempting to be a good girlfriend is a lot on my plate. Apparently after ten years of no schooling going to class and thinking like a student can be hard. Put on top of that, that I actually care about school now instead of it being something I just go and "do". Sitting and listening to snot nosed kids and trying really hard to not let my lower quiz and homework scores get to me is something I'm not great at.

I am putting my all into this whole "being a full time student" but I almost wonder if that is worse than just being in school mode straight out of high school and not really caring.

Well none the less I'm doing it anyway and trying my best and I suppose that's all I can really do.

It doesn't help that I haven't been hit on once...something Mindy swore would happen lol. I could really use the confidence boost right now ;)
