Monday, July 8, 2013

I wish I knew how to put all my thoughts and how they constantly swirl in my head down in this blog. It seems at times I have a million different feelings and thoughts ebbing and flowing through my mind. I feel like I have a constant stream of thoughts, memories, dreams, aspirations, fears, feelings making my head a mess of confusion. I want to be able to write down how I am so happy, but I can't figure out the right story or words to portray my deepest feelings. I want to explain how losing someone I care about closed one chapter of my life but opened the doors to new feelings about those I thought had written me off long ago. I feel so jumbled but so clear headed all at once. How do I smooth out the wrinkled thoughts and make them a smooth free flowing sentence?

How do I show the world I am happy being me, even if it makes others uncomfortable? I know who I am and how to smooth the thoughts in my head, but I don't know how to have it make sense to others. I guess I can keep writing and throwing whatever I want out there and hope it means something to some one.
I want to be better at putting all of this down. Knowing I can sort it out with the keys on my laptop untangling all the jumbled mess to make it sound how I want makes me feel better. I think the only way for me to get better at it is to keep practicing.  Hang in there :)

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Louise! The words will come. I'm so glad you are sharing--your words do mean something to someone :-) I love your blog and I think others will too so I nominated you for a Liebster Award:
