Friday, February 15, 2013


Yep I said it, my Valentine is a girl. I'm not really sure how I feel putting it out there for everyone (or maybe no one) to know. It's strange putting info, deeply personal info out on the internet not knowing who will read it. BUT it is kind of a relief to start writing it down, my life, my thoughts the way I would talk to my friends. (Maybe not exactly how I talk to my friends, I think I cuss more in real life and I use words like lezzi, homo and other words that might offend some people.)
I've been reading blogs by other girls like me..... girls who like girls, and I hope I can slowly add those words and phrases into my journal here. I want to talk like I'm speaking with a friend and not worry about what people will think. It will take a little time though. I worry more about what people will say to my little girl or to my girlfriend to hurt them and less about what people think of me as a person.
I've learned to have patience (thank you babe) and know that not everyone will be ok with me being a lesbian right away. It takes time for people to realize that I am still me and that really nothing about me has changed, just the way others see me. I hope that I can continue to have patience and pray for a more accepting world where future generations don't have to hide or sidestep who they love.

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